SimpliVity – Hyper-Converged Enterprise Network Infrastructure
SimpliVity’s hyper-converged “Datacenter-in-a-Box” scalable building block integrates ESXi, server, storage, networking, backup, DR, replication, WAN optimization and SSD caching/accelerator functionality. The product includes global VMware-centric management managed directly from within one instance of vCenter and real-time inline data deduplication, compression and simple scale out. SimpliVity has not only collapsed the infrastructure stack but has made the VM truly portable. OmniCube™ radically simplifies data center infrastructure while dramatically reducing CAPEX and OPEX.[button url=”” but_target=”_blank” but_color=”#000000″ size=”large”]OmniCube Overview & Datasheets[/button][one_half]
OmniCube Overview
OmniCube Feature Summary
[list list_type=”ul” list_class=”1″]Real-time inline global deduplication, compression and optimization`Compute, storage and data management – for all VMs running on OmniCube and/or traditional servers in the environment`Remote replication and VM level policy based backup and restore`Elastic global scale-out – add one at a time, on demand`High availability – for the most demanding production environments`Performance – optimized for IO intensive workloads`Intelligent flash caching – high speed access to the most important data ensuring SSD resources deliver ultimate performance and effectiveness`Public cloud`VM-centric management via VMware’s vCenter[/list]
Possible Use Cases:
[list list_type=”ul” list_class=”1″]Virtual desktops`Traditional production VMware environment`Remote office build-outs “Data-center-in-a-box”`Back-end infrastructure for cloud build-outs`Project based such as a database roll-out`Turnkey build-outs for application vendors`Merging in of outside data center`DR target[/list]
At VMworld 2013, SimpliVity won Best in Show Gold Award for Storage and Backup for Virtualized Environments; beating out Dell and EMC.